Who is Andy Krieger Trader?

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Who is Andrew Krieger? A Legendary Currency Trader

Andrew Krieger is a renowned currency trader best known for his aggressive trading strategy against the New Zealand dollar (NZD), commonly known as the “kiwi,” in 1987. At the time, Krieger was working for Bankers Trust, where he orchestrated a bold and unprecedented move to short the kiwi. Utilizing currency options, Krieger took a massive short position that reportedly exceeded the entire money supply of New Zealand. His daring trade earned Bankers Trust several hundred million dollars in profit, making him one of the most notable figures in the history of currency trading.

The Kiwi Raid: A High-Stakes Gamble

In 1987, the global financial markets were highly volatile, especially after the infamous “Black Monday” stock market crash. Andrew Krieger recognized that the New Zealand dollar was overvalued following the market collapse and saw a lucrative opportunity to profit. His strategy involved using options to establish a short position on the kiwi. By taking this position, Krieger essentially bet that the value of the New Zealand dollar would fall.

The scale of his trade was so large that his short position was said to exceed New Zealand’s entire money supply at the time. As a result, his trading activity significantly impacted the currency’s value, causing a rapid depreciation. This move generated immense profits for Bankers Trust, highlighting Krieger’s deep understanding of currency markets and his willingness to take risks that others would shy away from.

Why Was Krieger’s Strategy So Successful?

Krieger’s trade was notably successful for several reasons:

  1. Lack of Market Experience with Options: At the time, the use of options in foreign exchange markets was still relatively new and not well understood. Krieger was ahead of the curve, using options to create a highly leveraged position that most traders wouldn’t have considered.
  2. New Zealand’s Limited Defenses: The New Zealand central bank was unprepared to counter such an aggressive short position. They lacked both the experience in using options and the capital reserves needed to defend the kiwi against such a massive attack. This lack of preparedness allowed Krieger to exert enormous pressure on the currency.
  3. Timing and Market Conditions: The global market was still reeling from the 1987 crash, and many currencies were volatile. Krieger’s decision to short the kiwi came at a time when global confidence was low, amplifying the effects of his trade.

After the Kiwi Raid: Krieger’s Career Moves

Following his successful raid on the kiwi, Andrew Krieger left Bankers Trust. His reputation as a fearless and skilled trader quickly caught the attention of other notable figures in the world of finance, including George Soros, another legendary currency trader known for his own bold bets against currencies. Krieger spent some time working with Soros, further cementing his status as a prominent figure in the world of high-stakes currency trading.

The Legacy of Andrew Krieger in Forex Trading

Krieger’s raid on the New Zealand dollar remains one of the most famous trades in the history of the forex market. It demonstrated the power and influence a single trader could wield, especially when using complex financial instruments like options. His success has inspired many in the field of currency trading, illustrating how a combination of market insight, innovative strategies, and timing can lead to enormous profits.

Key Lessons from Andrew Krieger’s Trading Strategy

  1. Innovative Use of Financial Instruments: Krieger’s use of currency options was ahead of its time and showcased how options could be used to create substantial leverage in currency trading.
  2. Market Timing and Analysis: Understanding when a currency is overvalued or undervalued is crucial. Krieger identified a clear opportunity in the market and acted decisively, demonstrating the importance of timing in trading strategies.
  3. Risk Management: While Krieger took on a high-risk position, he also understood the market dynamics well enough to mitigate potential losses and maximize gains.


Andrew Krieger’s bold move against the New Zealand dollar in 1987 remains a key example of successful currency trading strategy. His innovative use of financial instruments and his ability to read market conditions allowed him to make one of the most profitable trades in history. Krieger’s story continues to be a point of reference and inspiration for traders worldwide, highlighting the potential rewards that come with deep market insight and fearless decision-making.

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